When you have set your own goals, I believe you must give it all that you've got to reach it out. No one else knows the dreams inside you but yourself, so go for it, no matter what.

I felt in my heart that in order to get to your destination, you may encounter a lot of disruptions along the way. And when you're tempted to turn left and right, you might end up losing your focus and get off track.


"You never know what's around the corner. It could be everything. Or it could be nothing. You keep putting one foot in front of the other, and then one day you look back and you've climbed a mountain."

And that's what you called FAITH. In life, we must take a step to reach elsewhere, though you don't know what's on the other side of the wall, at least you take a leap of faith. For in my mind, if we can't even make a decision to move forward, we will miss LIFE!

God has given us all that we need; skills, gifts, talents, abilities, resources, and even supporters, 'life cheerers', our loved ones, and friends. And I presume, you already knew about this. And I just want to remind you that God has already ordained the path that we have to take in life. His voice and words shall direct us. Nonetheless, your destiny is the result of the pathways you take and the doors where you've entered.

But how does it feel to get astray while you're in the middle of the journey? Can you imagine that? When you're almost there, trying your very best to reach your destination and suddenly, here you are again, falling off track. It is not because you've lost the goal in your heart, but because you got distracted from so many things around you.


1. Comparison - Maybe it's not you who's been comparing yourself to others. There may be a time you're overhearing people who've been setting up their own standard 'for you' of success through the accomplishments, titles, and experiences of others. And sometimes those who are close to you unintentionally tell you, "You should also get that kind of job", "Look at their life, looks so happy and perfect, why you're aren't?". All of a sudden, you were compared.

If you listen to these words, your mind may agree to it and will make you rethink the path you're currently taking. It's not bad to evaluate yourself especially when it is for your own good. However, when jealousy entered the heart, that would be a big problem! Cause you will never be satisfied if envy drives you to reach the same destination as they were.

Remember that there are no two people who have the same destiny. Each and everyone has a unique purpose and life experience. And I think, it's beautiful, for it gives me hope and a sense of identity that I can be who I wanna be. Where I don't have to live behind the shadows of other people.

Last week, I just saw an Instagram post and it says like this:

"Unfollow all accounts that make you feel less as you are."

It is somehow true for those who keep looking at the life of others. When it is becoming toxic and when social media causes you to feel miserable, I think, this may apply to you, why not unfollow? And start following those pages and accounts that will encourage and uplifts your soul. But look at what the Bible says about comparing ourselves to others. It is said in:


"But let every man prove his own work, and then shall he have rejoicing in himself alone, and not in another."


"Not that we dare to classify or compare ourselves with some of those who are commending themselves. But when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding."


"Don’t be selfish; don’t try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves."

See! It is said that we must prove our own work and those who compare themselves to others are not wise. Why is that so? Because you will never win over comparison, it just didn't happen that way. When you're not loving your own self and not seeing your own blessings, you will always lose!

2. Intimidation - This is defined by Google as a fearful feeling towards something or someone in authority, or to frighten a weaker person to do what you want. When we are intimidated, it is blocking our potential. It makes us scared to speak and act, being afraid to be judged, thus freezing ourselves that keep us from reaching our full potential.

When we are paralyzed by intimidation, everything we do feels dead. There's no life! This idea was clearly explained by John Bevere in his book "Breaking Intimidation". He said:

"An intimidated person honors what he fears more than God."

And that is the reason why many of us are ineffective. We fear men more than we fear God. But if you personally knew what the Lord speaks in your heart and you obey it. I believe He can release the power and the authority that is within you. As it says in:


"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind."

3. False Humility - Have you ever encountered this term, 'false humility'. Humility is meekness, it contradicts pride. Once, I heard a preacher said: "Who is the humblest person that ever walked on earth? - JESUS, But how many times did He criticize Himself? - NEVER!"

We often mistake fake humility for incapability and lack of power. This is one of my major 'issues', honestly. Have you ever felt so helpless that people can easily overpower you? I think that is false humility too! Deep down inside, you were frustrated and there is a sense of pride however you are afraid of confrontation.

I know that sounds absurd. But it is real! There are people who are really struggling to be the best person they could ever be due to these reasons. There are some who can't stay on one path, trying to fit into the world's standard. When the Lord Jesus came down to earth, He modeled how we must live our lives and how to keep on the right track to fulfill the 'Perfect Will of God.' This is what I personally found out HE:

Confronts/rebuke - He's not afraid of what other people may say, as long as He's connected to the Father. And He loved us so much that He corrected us no matter how hard it is or may be painful to some, (Mark 8:17-18).

Speaks with power and authority - When you speak of the truth will you be afraid? I guess not anymore! Power and authority come from the one true God. There is power with the words we speak, for death and life are in the power of the tongue, (Proverbs 18:21). And I believe that we must boldly speak of victory towards every situation in our lives in order to achieve what we really aim for.

Full of wisdom - The Lord gives to anyone who lacks wisdom when he asks because God gives generously (James 1:5). As I read the New Testament and how Jesus answers those who are trying to mock and questioned Him, I see God's Wisdom. He's just so amazing, the way He teaches the sheep, and even those who tried to trap Jesus by His words were astonished by His wisdom, (Matthew 22:15-33).

Has a plan - When I said He has a plan, it means no one can stop Jesus from doing the work that the Father has entrusted to Him, though human power tried to stop Him, they can't. He moved from place to place, one destination after another, and still meet people just like you and me whom He truly cared for and loved. He changed the route but the purpose remains, see how He met the Samaritan Woman and intentionally made His own self known to her and then healed the official's son all at the same chapter, (John 4:1-54)

Everything He did was just so 'life-changing', and all happened because He stayed on the same path, the same goals, our Lord Jesus was unstoppable at that time and even now. He's still at work in our lives (Philippians 1:6).

Stays with the 'Word of God' - Why is this important? Even Jesus was tempted by the devil three times in the wilderness to take him away from the Plan of God (Matthew 4:1-11). However, Jesus used the 'Word of God' as a weapon against every temptation and lies the enemy throw at Him. He rebuked the devil and it flees. If Jesus entertained the voice of the devil, do you think He can fulfill His purpose? If He did not cling to the 'Word of God', what's going to happen to the salvation of the world?

Pray always - I think this is one of the best things that we can do in every circumstance. It is said in:


"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."

Please don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that we have to become perfect like Christ. We can never be! It is only by the grace of God and His unconditional love that we are being saved and can live in liberty. But what I've listed here are the characteristics of the Lord that inspired me personally on how I should stay on the path God called me to be. I know you knew, He is our greatest teacher and role model, right? - AMEN!

Not only that, I believe that God gave every person a unique purpose in life, a different and beautiful path to walk through. It is up to you how you will handle your gifts. The Parable of the Talents described this best! Each servant was given a bag of golds according to their abilities, look at what happens in:

MATTHEW 25:15-21

"To one he gave five bags of gold, to another two bags, and to another one bag, each according to his ability. Then he went on his journey.

The man who had received five bags of gold went at once and put his money to work and gained five bags more.

So also, the one with two bags of gold gained two more. But the man who had received one bag went off, dug a hole in the ground and hid his master's money.

After a long time the master of those servants returned and settled accounts with them.

The man who had received five bags of gold brought the other five. 'Master', he said, 'you entrusted me with five bags of gold. See, I have gained five more.

His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!"

You may read the whole story in Matthew 25:15-21.

And to cut the story short, the master was pleased with his two servants who used their gifts wisely and gained more through their faithful works. Although each didn't receive the same bags of gold, still the one who received less stays faithful to what was entrusted to him. But to the man who stays idle and afraid, even all that he had was taken away, the master was displeased and called him 'wicked and lazy servant'.


Yeah, indeed! Comparison, intimidation, and false humility are all factors that stop us from achieving our goals. Don't allow these things to hinder you from achieving your dreams and living a life of purpose.

Remember that we are accountable to God for whatever we do in our own lives! Consider this: are you enslaved by your own fears? If you don't take initiative, you'll miss out on all the breakthroughs! However, it is not yet too late, and now is the ideal time to make things right.

And if lately, you've been lost, distracted, or discouraged, it is enough! Don't let disappointment get the best of you; instead, get back on track. Some say it's okay not to be okay, and I'm not going to argue with that, but after all the crying and grieving, refocus on what really matters. Eliminate what needs to be removed in your thoughts and start reorganizing, start the planning, and stay on your own path!