You wouldn't think of these days as an opportunity to dream above and beyond. Even, I myself had struggled on doing things in order to reach my goal. The fact that we can't live a normal life or even go outside to earn a living, is a big drawback to many. However, our life does not stop just because of the pandemic; we're still breathing the same air and we're still living under the same sky. Life goes on despite any circumstances we may face.

The question is, how can you really aspire to great things and continually hope though it looks impossible? Faith! Fight the good fight of faith.


"Some people see things that are and ask, Why? Some people dream of things that never were and ask, Why not?"

We all do have a lot of excuses in life. As you're doubting to plan and start something, others are working hard and don't have time to hesitate. If you're thinking of starting your own business, investing in the stock market, creating crafts and sell them, baked pieces of stuff, ask yourself, Why not? What's stopping you? A little bit of pessimism and you'll be far away from reaching your dreams.


"Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true."

At the age of 25, I felt like I have not accomplished so much yet in my life. As I turn left and right, people of my age have their own car, advance in their career, have a lot of savings, or had financial freedom, and some have been married and have their own child or family. You might say, am I envious? Am I feel miserable? Honestly, no I'm not. Because I know that I am following God's timeline and not of this world. He's molding my character and preparing me so that when the time comes, I'll be deserving enough for all the breakthroughs and blessings He's about to give.

Going back, I can still recall those days that my mindset was so different from now. I used to compare myself to others and it made me feel less like a person. I was complaining and every step that I take was a path of uncertainty for I trust in my own strength. I keep on planning and searching for a new opportunity however I keep failing. I got angry, got tired. Mind you, I don't have a stable job for almost 1 year. And you wouldn't imagine how I manage to get up and stand on to my feet again. That was a year full of tears, and disappointment.

I remember attending several job interviews and I've passed, I was hired twice but didn't continue. I was so confused, frustrated, and afraid. I wasn't ready nor cannot commit to anything. There's something wrong inside my heart.

From there, I understand why attitude and character are very important. And why God does not answer our prayers when we're unprepared for we may end up wasting the opportunity.

You know what, I was unaware that God is working in the deepest part of me. But as I learn to become faithful to every little task that was given to me, I started to see that my visions were getting real. My dreams get bigger in my thoughts. The seeds that I planted started to grow. And yes, God grants me a job, where I can work at the pace of my comfort, not needing to go outside and still earn a dollar. I became part of a great team with a kind boss. Not only that, but the Lord has also blessed my family and my ministry. He also put important people in my life or I might say real and thoughtful friends that encourage me to grow maturely in life, in spiritual, as well as financial aspects. It is said in:

LUKE 16:10

"If you are faithful in little things, you will be faithful in large ones. But if you are dishonest in little things, you won’t be honest with greater responsibilities."

LUKE 16:11-12

"And if you are untrustworthy about worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven? And if you are not faithful with other people’s things, why should you be trusted with things of your own?"

Whatever your heart desires, give it to God and see how He is going to fulfill those dreams one after another. I can't help but share His goodness so you may also discover the power in your lives by trusting Jesus. He's been so faithful to bless me with everything I have now and I knew there is more to come.



As a Christian, there must be a verse from the Bible where you're really holding on to. And it's not just a simple passage. Some may not understand however stand to the revelation and hold on to it. After all, it's between you and your Maker.

Last Wednesday during our church's Evening Miracle Prayer Live Streaming, I was convicted as the message comforts my spirit. It is all about trusting God and holding up tightly to the Word that we receive from the Lord. Yet, there are times when it is difficult to trust when the opposite happens, still, fight for the Word! God wants to see our faith. Never stop praying. It is said in:


"And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him."

Amen! And if you haven't got any Word yet. Desire, pray and seek. It's not yet too late. That's why it is really important that we meditate on the Word of God every day. It gives us confidence and assurance that we have a bright future and God has an excellent plan. Even if everything looks like falling apart, if you believe in the promise, you will not worry, you'll never be shaken.

As for me, I really hold on to the verse written in Luke 16:10-12. I tried to be as faithful as I can be even in every little thing, and most importantly in my tithes. The passage reminds me that when God sees how humble and responsible I am in small things, it is guaranteed that He will entrust me in greater things. That's it. What's your life verse?


Easy to say, just pray. But what does it really mean to pray? You have a big dream, pray hard! Be consistent. I remember praying for almost 1 year that God may lead me to the right job and to my success. There are so many times that I've almost given up. I can't comprehend what God is doing. However, in those times, my only fuel comes from prayer. I literally speak my heart out to God. His grace sustained me and He embraced me. And now, because I always fight for my prayer life, God never failed to amaze me with unexpected blessings, favor, protection, and provision. It is said in:

MARK 11:24

"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours."


It is true that when you are excited and motivated in pursuing your dreams, you may attract others who have the same values and interests. Know that the more you surround yourself with goal-oriented and purpose-driven individuals, the more you'll likely to become like them. Your perspective changes and you'll gain knowledge.


"If you want to go somewhere, it is best to find someone who has already been there."

This is so right! Now I truly appreciate having mentors, and leaders even at home, it can be our sisters, brothers, parents, or grandparents, and even best friends. They were given by God to lead and guide us.


One of the blessings that we received during this global pandemic was our Sari-Sari Store. It was my grandma's idea and I supported her all the way for she cannot go outside to buy stuff, every week, I literally go outside to take care of the groceries and other family needs. There are times that I felt so tired about it for I have to walk far distances from home going to my destination more often especially during the enhanced community quarantine with all the boxes of groceries all by myself. Also, I'm not a morning person, but I started to wake up every day around 4:30 to 5:00am to help my grandma in the store opening. Can you imagine that? You may be sleeping so well at that time and enjoying the comfort of your bed. Well, at first, I was so disgusted. I obey half-hearted. However, as time passes, I begin to feel satisfaction and joy as I took the responsibility.

I tell you this not to give glory to my name but in God alone. I am sharing this because I realized that when we started to walk a life of purpose, success shall follow. It is truly the act of faithfulness and consistency that leads us to achieve our lifelong dreams.

In the Old Testament Rebekah, a young woman is faithfully fulfilling her current obligations till God leads her to her destiny. You can read the story by yourself in Genesis 24. Her character was already formed and she has a kind heart that is always ready to serve.

See! Be steadfast to where God called you to be. Stay to where you are right now and start with your family, rest assured you'll never regret the result of your faithfulness in performing your duties.


"Your opportunity is lost when your responsibility is neglected."

"Your tomorrow's opportunity is determined by yesterday's responsibility."

"And your opportunity's size requires the same amount of your responsibility."



"Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it."

Guard your dreams, examine your motives! Just this morning I woke up so happy and excited because it's Monday, and my schedule was quite packed. It has been decided, I am about to finish this blog in the morning and will work in the afternoon from 1pm to five. But it didn't happen. Unexpectedly, we lost our internet connection, they cut us down. I got so mad. I am so focused on the plans that I've made for myself today. And my reaction was really bad.

Just now that I recognized that my motivation was rooted in selfishness. I was fuming when the way I planned didn't turn out the way I expected. Wow! I was enticed and deceived by my own selfish desires. Little did I know my heart has been contaminated again by what the world could offer. Money and riches. At the back of my mind, I don't want to skip a day without working because if I don't work, I don't get paid. See! That's why it is said in:

1 TIMOTHY 6:10

"For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs."


"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."


Now I understand why it took too long for us to receive our breakthrough. There's still a lot to learn. God still has to fix our character There are so many factors that God only knows and considers before He provides a route to our success. I am so grateful that God is working on the inside of me. He wants me to become humble enough and through the Holy Spirit, He speaks. Because of what happened this morning, God revealed to me in a way that I can also share with you.

Honestly, every time I write my blogs, I am the first person who benefited from it. And my prayer is that every one of us continues to strive for the dreams God has planted in our hearts. Just remember that:




"Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and he will establish your plans."

(Proverbs 16:3)