I thought I'm okay. I thought I already moved on. But I still see myself keep coming back to the old ways. I've heard about the 'transition'. I encountered this term a few months ago, I don't know, maybe last year. And I felt something in my soul saying, ''Yes you are in transition''. As far as I understand. That is the season in your life where you're battling between going back to your past or embracing the present and keep moving to the future. If I will base the definition on Google, it says:

"The process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another."

Boom! I can't ignore the fact that I am really in that season. So what am I supposed to do to successfully overcome and move forward? At the moment, I really don't know. That makes me write this article now. My questions are, Is there really a bright future ahead of me? And yeah, you can certainly say that my faith is running low as if it supposed to run low like batteries.

I know that people around me are trying to help. They try to make me smile. But how can you really be happy if you constantly thinking that your past is better than what's happening right now? Am I deceived? I don't know. Last year, I was so hard on myself, and my anxiety attacks were so severe that my thoughts seemed like they were opening a gateway to death. But my Redeemer Jesus delivered me from that pit, from which I thought I was about to die.

Now I'd like to be very optimistic. I'd like to learn how to be truly free of all of my troubles.

This morning, I've read the book 'Undercover' by John Bevere. I've bought this book a month ago, but I haven't finished it yet. Why? Because of my fear of being controlled by someone in authority. I shared with you in my previous blog that I'm a person who really doesn't know how to wait. I'm always looking for things to do. Anything that comes to my mind, any exciting thing that just comes right into my head, I jump into it, right away! May it be job offers, relationships, and more.

Why am I sharing this? Maybe you're also struggling with the same thing. I hope we can help each other in this transition phase.

I'm sorry. My thoughts are a jumbled mess. Maybe this period of transition has something to do with my faith in God? Look. I don't intend to imply that I'm unreliable, but whatever you think is fine; I'm well aware that I'm still a work in progress. I'm aware that God's work in my life isn't yet complete. And it was then that faith, like a mustard seed, began to sprout. Perhaps we don't need to figure everything out.

I haven't been able to write in about four months! I started writing a draft about relationships last March, and I was unable to finish it.

As you can see from the Psalm verse above, my prayer is for God to create a pure heart and refresh a right spirit within me. Is this also your prayer?

Okay. I think I'm done with all my drama. Let's get back to the subject at hand: transition! Since I don't know yet what is suppose to happen next after this season, I can't give you advice or testimony. But for the sake of helping you out and myself to keep the faith and hope. I'll go and make a research. As I am doing my research, soak first into this verse in Isaiah.

ISAIAH 55:8-9

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord.

As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts."

Okay. I just remember something. Do you realize that when a pandemic strikes, we are compelled to adjust to a new normal? That, I believe, is how I should spend my life once more. to change and discover new ways to be joyful And I recall something from one of the books I've read. You can't simply put an end to 'change.' It'll just happen. Would you rather be miserable for the rest of your life or adapt and live?


Let's get into the main thing! I read an article by a Psychologist who claimed that there is no such thing as the most difficult life transition. Things shift. People evolve. Situations change. It's all a matter of thinking and perception. Okay, I believe I've just gained some insight from that. Anyways, here are the top 7 ways to make it through transitions:

1. Appreciate the positive things brought to you by change - I used to think that change is hard, that I would never be able to get through it, and that everything is difficult. I almost titled this article 'Transition is hard'. See! I am fully convinced that transition and this season of my life are hard and that I will be miserable all the days of my life. That's even contrary to what the bible says,

...Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life... (Psalm 23:6)

Gratitude for what you have is, in my opinion, a powerful therapy. I mean, if you value your life, the food on your table, the people you surround yourself with, and your job. It makes no difference in how low your pay was or how difficult your current job is. You will be content if you have a grateful heart.

But let's talk about change now. If I had to assess my status right now, I would say that I am in a good position. This adjustment or transition has brought many wonderful aspects into my life. First, I was able to spend more time with my family, and my younger sister and I became extremely close. Second, I was free to concentrate on my work as a content writer. Third, we are able to rediscover ourselves and reevaluate our lives, determining what we truly desire. Finally, and most importantly, I was able to deepen my faith and place my trust in God. What else is there to say? The list could go on and on.

2. Accept that change is normal in life - You'll make things worse by viewing your situation as negative or a challenging portion of your life. If you take the unfavorable events in your life seriously, it will be difficult to navigate. Life is divided into stages, as we used to call them. You'll grow older, you'll move to various places, and you won't stay at a certain job forever. You will make new friends. You're going to leave the others behind. That's the truth! You will no longer live with your parents when the time comes. You'll become a parent one day. I know, my thinking is a little advanced, but that's the truth. Things change, and you must accept them as they are.

But no worries! There are 3 stages of transition:

-You'll experience anger, anxiety, confusion, and all other feelings. That's part of it!

-You'll begin to accept the changes. You can cope with it as time goes by.

-You'll begin to dream again and be hopeful of the future.

Okay, I can say, that I'm in the second and last stages. I've passed through the stage of anxiety and have overcome it with the help of God. You can also evaluate yourself just as I did! And let's aim to completely have an optimistic view of the future!

3. Identify your goals in life and values - I am certain that God has placed me in this season of life in order for me to stand steadfast in my beliefs. I believe that God is planting seeds in my heart. Those are the values that you want to live with. Consider this: Do you truly have values that you will uphold no matter what happens? If you're still living with the phrase 'go with the flow', then that is maybe the reason why God has to bring you to change.

I used to be lost. I'm not sure what I really like. When others ask me, what do you want in life or what are your career goals and all that stuff. I can easily say, I don't know. I simply have no idea where I'm going. That's why when other voices tell me to go left, I'll go left. Other people dictate where should I go, what should I do.

Are you familiar with the fairytale 'Alice in Wonderland?

Alice became disoriented and met the Cat in the woods.

The Cat asked Alice, ''Where is home?'' and she answered, 'I don't know.''

The Cat then replied ''It doesn't matter where you go because you don't know where is home.''

Perhaps now is the time to set some goals. You can vary your approach depending on the obstacles you face along the route, but the objective must remain the same. That's how life is.

4. Don't rush! - I am certainly most of the time, impatient! But now that I'm in transition, I've understood that I can't rush anything. My situation and the changes that happened in my life forced me to wait. Yes! That's correct! I'm still having trouble with it. I want to fast-forward things. I'm eager to get started on the next episode. But just can't.

When you're in transition, the battle is learning to wait patiently on God. The exact reason I've been brought here is to await God's plan and timing. I know deep down in my heart, God wants me to embrace this season. I always hear this,

...One step at a time...

5. Turn to the network of people who can help you - Before, I used to turn down help. I have a strong desire to face my fights alone. Even now, there are times when I just want to be alone. However, I am convinced that it is God's plan for us to live in harmony with the people God has placed in our lives, such as our trusted friends, family, parents, and leaders.

While in transition, allow these wonderful people to help you and enjoy the process. Don't look at them as your enemy. Those that genuinely care about you and God want the best for you. I recall the times when I was battling depression. My family, my pastor, my mother in faith, my friends in Christ; they are all by my side, praying for me and, for the most part, attempting to make me happy. That time, my sister constantly rebuking me and canceling my negativities. She's even made my meals and coffee and soothed me over and over until I'm back to my right mind. I don't say this to just brag that I have a perfect family. What I'm saying is, you can't live all by yourself! The bible says:


"Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble."

6. Recognize what you'll be leaving behind - This may be the most difficult yet rewarding thing in transition. You can't just run with your past. You have to acknowledge it. The beautiful moments that you have before. Cherished it instead of trying to bury it all in the ground.

That is something I am guilty of. I just hope everything, problems, challenges, and even myself just disappears. See! My crazy mind just telling me to escape. But it is not possible. The only way to move on is to address and let go of your past.

I'm afraid I can't discuss letting go right now; perhaps in my next piece. I'm just kidding, HAHA. Anyway, I'm still working on letting go. I admit that there are instances when I still cling to the past. However, I believe that letting go is the first step toward accepting new things in life. It's the major reason you're making the change. You're leaving the past behind and hoping for the best in your future. But based on my personal experience, I need the grace of God, every time I'm tempted to go back to my old ways. See, there's only so much I can say about this subject. If I were to characterize myself, I'd say I'm halfway there. Don't give up, just as I didn't! Allow God to lead you all the way through this season!

7. Take good care of yourself - Don't forget to look after yourself during the transition. Still, there are ways to be happy. As for me, I discovered that as the bible says, "A cheerful heart is a good medicine." I'm always thinking of new methods to make myself smile. You know exactly how to take care of yourself. Take a bath every day, clean your hair or have a haircut, eat healthy foods, don't skip meals, don't stay up late, and put down your phone.

It's not just about that. I heard a preacher said that anxiety can also be beaten in the physical aspects of life. The first thing to do is eat and allow yourself to rest. That's it! Our body is designed by God to consume food and to rest as well. Pray and then act! Another way to overcome overthinking is to take action. In fact, before I started writing this article, I was overthinking. I'm delighted I was able to produce a good result rather than wallow in loneliness.

So that's it! That concludes the list of 7 ways to get through life transitions.

You may think that in the first place, I started this article with a lot of I don't know and doubtful terms. I just want to be as real as I am. Yes, I am also going through transition and still finding ways how to overcome it. I hope that you'll do the same. I hope that this article gives you hope to never allow negativities to steal your joy. I hope that as we both journey in this beautiful thing called 'life', we are able to thank and praise God, for allowing us to go through transitions and not leaving us on the process.
