For the past years, I felt like I'm just running around in circles. Seems like things were repeating themselves years after years. Have you ever experience that as well? It's like you're fighting a losing battle, your time and effort are being wasted. That doesn't sound good, right? That feeling of unsteadiness where you're unsure of where you're headed. And sometimes I do ask myself, am I even closer to my dreams? Lord, are we there yet? I am just so curious. 

There is really a time in life where we may feel lost in the middle of the journey. We may stumble and fall while running the road, trying to reach the end of the line. I think that's part of the process. It's not really a bad thing after all. Day after day we are being trained by God to be the person He called us to be.

A famous preacher explained that crushing is very crucial before we prosper. Just like baby birds they aren't born already know how to fly. It is also a trial and error for them, it includes falling from the net so many times till they are able to spread their wings and soar.

Crushing caused overwhelming disappointment or embarrassment. At this stage, many people find it difficult to get through. We must view our problems and challenges in life as an opportunity to grow till we're ready for the breakthrough. If not, we may constantly feel defeated.


    "I'm moving and not moving at all. The consciousness of self is the greatest hindrance to the proper execution of all physical action."

In our life, we dare to complain a lot. Have you ever question or blame God for your miserable life? Honestly, I once did. And I am not very proud of it. I was so angry at my situation cause I feel stuck, discouraged, and worthless. However, I realized that most often, I am the creator of my own mess. Trouble is the result of my pride and disobedience to the Word. But the Lord is faithful to His promises. At that moment where I was sick, lost, and weak, He never left. He leads me back to the still waters, He showed me the way.

Know that a series of small actions is very important in achieving our goals. Remember little things matter! It is okay to assess yourself. Be honest with yourself. Admit you're wrong. Accept that you're not really going somewhere. That is the first step to move forward. 

Moving forward must be really hard if you keep going back to the past. This requires trust, hope, and faith. Faith in something that we haven't seen yet. 


    "Hope is an enthusiastic assurance."

In other words, hope is what we get from believing. As it says in Hebrews 11:1, Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." If you don't know what path to take now and you're confused, you're guilty, you're thinking that you can't start over again. You're wrong! God will make a way for you.



This is always the first step in reconciliation. Humility is one of the hardest things to do, in this world where we are shown how to get even. Inner refusal, disapproval, objection, and arguing; contradict gentleness, kindness, and humility. 

Decide now! Humble yourself and open up your heart to God. It is not yet the end. This is what God says:

ISAIAH 44:22

"I have swept away your offenses like a cloud, your sins like the morning mist. Return to me, for I have redeemed you."

Wow! As I was reading this, I cannot explain the joy in my heart, I'm so grateful that my God and your God is a loving Father, a forgiving God. He's always there to teach us, understand us, and save us when we make mistakes. He's just waiting for you to come back. It always takes courage to humble one's self, but once you did. Rest assured that it's going to be the greatest decision you will ever make. 


I suppose you will only get lost if you repeatedly perceive defeat. If you magnify the negative and keep distracted, you're not really going anywhere, or you may, but it'll take a little longer. 

However, this is the time for you to recall what's really in your heart. What is your covenant with God? Why did you choose to follow God in the first place? That will serve as your inspiration to continue the race. 

Before I personally knew Christ and accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior, my life before was completely different. I would describe myself as someone that is fake living in cover-ups, always fearful and most of the time frustrated especially when I didn't get what I wanted. My focus was on the world's standard of beauty, relationships, and riches. I thought that all matters. I was not aware that I was living a life that doesn't please God.

God found me and still loved me at my darkest. He freed me from any bondages and strongholds. Every time I remember this, I always feel grateful and blessed. As I looked back, I am being reminded of my first love and heartbeat for the Lord. I am here to where I am now, because of Him.

If you don't know where to start. Go back in time. Reminisce how it all started - your journey of faith. It is said in:


    "Don’t let the excitement of youth cause you to forget your Creator. Honor him in your youth before you grow old and say, “Life is not pleasant anymore."


Whatever you do on a daily basis is beneficial for your overall results. Don't expect that you will succeed if you're still doing the same old habits.

2 Corinthians 5:17

    "This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!"

Lao Tzu says:

    "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."

Would you not love to change for the better? No one likes to be stuck in an old dark place of our lives. And somewhere somehow, we all do want to reach a certain destination, yet why do we keep living through our old nature. Personally, the reason why I was off the track for a long time is that I tend to live in the same life patterns. I was looking forward that my life will improve however, I'm still not changing my ways.

These past few weeks, I started to write down in my planner my "Principles and Convictions". It is important for me, for it will serve as the foundation of what I believe for, just like a covenant to myself that must not be broken. I was very decisive and so sure about it. I pray for each one at a time. I ask the Holy Spirit in prayer to remind me of it instantly when temptation is near. That way I could maintain living in accordance to the Will of God. Through this, I know that I will remain firm, and no matter what, I will fulfill my promises to myself and to God. 

I don't know how you live your life now. But for me, what I've shared earlier is something that really works for me. What's really important is that you must not continue settling in unrighteousness. Make a new life pattern, new practices, new attitude, it'll change you!


Faith is believing while patience is the ability to endure, together it means diligently hoping that something is about to happen at the right time. It is to accept delay without getting aggravated. I heard once a pastor preaches on his sermon about:


    "That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises."

He emphasized that those who are faithful and patient, inherit God's promises! I agree! Probably you know about the story of Abraham who waited for so many years and still believes in God though he and his wife are old. God promised that his descendants will be as numerous as the stars and the sand on the seashore. He waited 25 years and the Lord gave them a son, Isaac. 

Jacob waited 14 years before he could be with Rachel. They seemed like only a few days to him because of his love for her (Genesis 29:20). 

You cannot have faith and do not have the patience or else you'll always complain all throughout the waiting process. Neither you cannot have patience and do not have faith, otherwise, it only means you're waiting for something you don't believe at all.

Been waiting for so long? Almost losing patience? Maybe you're on the right track now and you just don't realize it. You know what, you're one step closer to God's promises. Do not quit. Do not be discouraged.


December is the last month of the year, this is the season where I evaluate myself. Was I able to achieve some goals, are we able to create great memories or memorable experiences? It's the period to recognize how God has been faithful all throughout the challenges and victories in my life. At the same time, I am super excited because the new year is approaching. It only means that every ending has a new beginning.

When December comes, I started to wonder what would be my goal for the upcoming year. It's really good to start something new, start afresh, and don't commit the same mistakes again. During those days, I will write my plans and objectives and post them on my bedroom wall. This will serve as my motivation and target goals for the year. It looks like this:

  • The salvation of Family Members and Loved Ones
  • Spiritual Maturity (Be a Responsible Cell Leader)
  • New Work, Business, and Extra Source of Income
  • Bank Account with more than 100k Savings

Yes I know, my goals are written in general and those are my top priorities. After you write it down, you still need to create specific steps or actions in achieving each of these goals. 

For example in 'The Salvation of Family Members and Loved Ones'
  • Pray for them every day.
  • Love and do good works with my family members. 
  • Initiative in washing dishes, clothes, cleaning the house.
  • Be generous, responsible, and always practice humility. 

There are long-term and short-term goals, you can still write your own plans now, though it's almost half of the year, it's not yet too late for you! Look, now we have the gift of time. For me, it is important for you to know what would you like to accomplish every year because if you have nothing in mind, I don't know, I may say that you will grab every opportunity that comes your way even though it is not connected to your purpose. Your little steps every day shall direct you in reaching these goals and plans. However, it is said in:


    "Many are the plans in a man's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails."

Whatever it is that you want to achieve in life, do not forget God. Always align your plans to His and always listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit to know His will for you!


Why is it important to trust God above all else? Because He is sovereign and He knows everything. He seeks the motives of the heart of every human being if it is pure and acceptable to God. It is said in:


    "Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans, who rely on human strength and turn their hearts away from the Lord. They are like stunted shrubs in the desert, with no hope for the future. They will live in the barren wilderness, in an uninhabited salty land."

We tend to put our trust in other people, our satisfaction, and our own happiness, we used to put it in the hands of a person or even a situation. And when they're gone, we may feel lost, we may suffer. And it's not easy, it'll be hard to adjust and move forward, especially when you put your confidence in something that will not last. 

And it is not wrong to rely on others, in fact, we were taught to love our neighbors as we love ourselves, we were taught to lift up and encourage each other. The only danger in trusting man is when you completely put your dependence on them and you forget about God. 

On the other hand, confidence in one's self may become vain when you add pride and follow the wrong motives of the heart. When your master is your own and you're no longer listening to the voice of God within you. 


Know that whatever it is that you have done. God will never abandon you. He does not blame you for your weaknesses and He wants to bring you back to His original design for man. It is to live in the presence of the Almighty. 






  1. Amen! Thank you for using your life for the glory of God in heaven CG!

    This is indeed true! There are times when we stumble (so many times that we lose count of it) so hard that it made us lose our face to start again. But no matter what happen-no matter how many times we fail, God is a loving God-He is a faithful God and He will never reject us when we return to His arms. Instead, He will lighten our burdens by reaching us out with His long arms.

    1. Agreed, Rey! God is faithful to lift us up, He will never abandon His children, no matter what we've done. And He'll always show us the right way to go back at the foot of the cross and start over again. Thanks for all your support! Keep up the good fight of FAITH REY! <3
