You're scrolling on your phone and seeing others living the life you've always dreamed for yourself. You've been contemplating what you've missed and what just had happened, and suddenly made a conclusion that time really flies and so you're age but you are not going anywhere. Yes! Where you are right now is the result of the decisions you've made in the past. And I don't know what kind of mistake is that probably's not a good one, but please don't be too hard on yourself.

"If only I obey."

"If only I tried."

"If only I listened."

"I shouldn't have done that."

"I shouldn't have said that."

"If only I fight for it."

"If only I become wiser."

Regret is that one thing that best steals your joy. Instead of being grateful for the many things in your life, you'll end up grudging about the past, your past mistake, hurts, and disappointments. But do you believe that everything happens for a reason? Though sometimes your words and actions lead to negative consequences, I truly believe that God allowed those things to happen for you to learn from them, and most importantly, because God is working in a way that sometimes hard to understand, or I might say surpasses all understanding. It is said in:


"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

Looking back, I've made a lot of mistakes, and I have a lot of 'what ifs'. For one year, or maybe more, my life became miserable. I overthink; fear, anger, sorrow, regrets, anxiety..... It all consumed me to the point that I lose sight of my future, there's no more vision, I felt that my life has no meaning at all. It was the lowest point of my life. I found myself talking to my inner self, 'What's the point of your life, now?'

Yes, my faith was shaken. I did ask God why did He bring me into such a situation. But it is said in:


"For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

2 TIMOTHY 2:13

"If we are faithless, He remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself."

So whether you've suffered from the consequences of the choices that you've made or of others, here I am declaring the truth, God is faithful! Whether your past is hunting you or your future is scaring you, God is faithful!

More often we cannot stay to the place where God called us to be but He is sovereign and He is in control. Even if you try to run away from God, He can still make a way to bring you back to your purpose.

I do personally hold on to the passage above that says the Lord has a plan for my life and does not intend to HARM me. Knowing that He is faithful even if I'm not giving me the confidence that by His grace I will certainly overcome the test and that it's not yet the end.

I am a living testimony that our God is faithful as long as we remain in Him. There was a pastor who asked the people in the church, ''How many among you doubled your finances or prospered in your business last 2020?'' A lot of them in the congregation stood, and I started to realize that I am certainly one of them. That's right!

Looking back on last year, I got hired, I was able to save, I was blessed financially and in my ministry. I can say that my family really prospered, we are able to open a store and sell Canadian products. And last year, I was able to write all my thoughts and created this blog. I am not saying that we're not affected by the crisis, but there was beauty in adversity. I'm still wondering why many people lost their job, but I got a new job in the midst of the pandemic. I thanked God because His protection is really upon His children. That's when we realized that nothing can stop God from blessing His people. Those who remain and trust in Him.

Furthermore, I have read a book entitled 'The Miracle Morning', and this quote captured my attention:

"When you wake up early, you have control over your day, you create the day you desire, and you will become happier."

I was reminded that we are responsible for how our day should go. Know that you are capable to create the day that you want. You have a choice to either wake up early with a positive mindset, get ready to get things done or get up late thinking about what to eat on lunch.

I'm not here to condemn you. We all have shortcomings but this is the time to renew your mindset. You can't just live by regrets.


1. Acceptance - Stop the blame game and accept that you've made a mistake. Stop blaming others and your situation, make a room for yourself to breathe and don't be too harsh on yourself.

2. Forgive yourself - Do you know who's the first person that you must forgive? Yourself! God forgave you so there's no point in not forgiving yourself. By God's grace, you and I were forgiven, we must receive it by faith, and so we can also forgive others.

3. Set goals - Write down your goals and pray for them. Many authors and even speakers talk about this, when you write your plans, the more you are likely to accomplish it rather than just saying, 'I have plans', but in reality, your mind always changes, every time, every minute, every second, whenever there are circumstances, or depending on what you feel at the moment. So, set goals and pray for them. I know someone who is not only writing them but printing the pictures of a particular thing or goal she wanted to get. Surprisingly, God always answers and grants her prayers. It is said in:


"Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he."

4. Be consistent - Though little by little, still take action, consistently. Commitment and self-discipline are the keys to success, well it's not from me, I just heard it from a successful man who wrote his own book, but I did agree! Why? It's simple! Commitment means you are going to do the things you do even at times you don't feel like doing it. And you need to discipline yourself. As per Goeth:

"Bad habits are easy to form, but hard to live with.

Good habits are hard to form but easy to live with.

Everything is hard before it's easy."

5. Track your progress - This is where you go back. This is where you assess if you are close enough to your goals. What's needs to be done or change.


These are the five things you should do in order to move forward and not dwell on resentment. Regret will only slow you down and hinder your progress. 'God is making all things new', He can heal your scars, He can restore your relationships, He can help you stand up after every turbulence in your life.

But you have to take action. I laughed at one quote that I've read while reading the book, 'How To Live Your Best Life Ever' by Jim Rohn, one of the reviewers take away is:

"If a guy is an idiot and you motivate him, now you have a motivated idiot."

It sounds harsh, I know. But the concept is motivation or faith without action and perseverance is nothing. You must work hard to get that education, to acquire knowledge. This will leads to reaching realistic results.

Don't be lazy to learn new things! if you wish to get out of debt, study financial literacy. If you wish to be a successful business owner, study entrepreneurship! If you wish to become an effective leader, study leadership!

I don't know what are the things you feel sorry about. It may be your relationship, your career, or your life in general. Know that you still have time, and the time is now to start again. Do not waste your energy feeling sorry about the former things.